Our program takes place over a 2 week period, with 11 clinical hours. This is the most affordable way to have a therapist supported ketemine experience. It is our hope that after a couple facilitated sessions, you will feel comfortable doing further sessions on your own at home.
Saturdays April 22nd and April 29th from 10 am to 2 pm in Glenside PA 19038
Tuesdays April 18th, 25th and May 2nd from 8 pm to 9 pm in Virtual Group
- Free Initial Intake
- Free Consultation with your Existing Therapist and/or Psychiatrist if desired
- Meeting with a Medical Prescriber to get a Ketamine Prescription
Our Tuesday virtual group sessions will be for purposes of preparation and integration.
On the day of the retreat we will:
- Share our Intentions
- Experience a Ketamine Medicine Session
- Eat Some Nourishing Food Together
If you are interested in participating in an upcoming retreat, please contact us for your free initial consultation, so that we can see if you are a candidate, and get you started in the process, which takes 2 or 3 weeks including obtaining a prescription.
Psychedelic assisted psychotherapy is an exciting new vehicle for working with our unconscious material. In a normal dream state our conscious minds are asleep, but our unconscious is actively trying to communicate with us. During a Ketamine medicine session, we retain contact with our conscious, lucid self as well as our unconscious dream state.
The group setting is an ideal paradigm for this work, as it allows for the sense of sacred ceremony that helps shift otherwise casual psychedelic use into ritual as a psychotherapy tool. It creates an opportunity for the participants to build community with each other, for future group integration sessions, future medicine sessions, or more causal self-directed support activities.